Jennifer Aniston has always had an amazing sense of style. From the popular “Rachel” cut she made infamous to her current fabulous haircut she epitimozes fresh faced beauty and style. What’s great is that her haircuts look great with almost every face shape and can make almost every woman look amazing.
“The Rachel” became a popular hairstyle in the 1990’s when Jennifer Aniston wore it in the show “Friends”. This famous blond-highlighted look has become a favorite and is still loved by women around the world today. Though Ansiton has since had many different hairstyles, salons are still being asked to keep creating this style.
This big, layered style works wonders on women with square and oval faces. But don’t be discouraged if you have a round, heart-shaped, or any other shaped face, because this style looks great on just about every face shape. “The Rachel” has been made popular as a medium length style, but by having three or more layers you can create the same look, but keep your long hair.
Razor texturing is the secret to this bold hairstyle. You can begin by using the razor from the first cut, or waiting until after the style has been blocked out with scissors. Either way is sure to give you the great look you desire.
Styling this hairdo is easy! Just a round brush and hair dryer are all you need. Or maybe you want your style to be a little bolder. By using a large curling iron, you will be able to create the head-turning curls that every woman wants.

Jennifer Aniston with long hair
There’s no one way to wear this look, so make it your own. Adding highlights or lowlights enhances the this cute face-framing hairstyle. Adding bangs is a sure way to have your friends asking where you got your hair done.
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